近日,第22届亚太工业工程与管理学会(Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Society, APIEMS)公布了2022年会士名单。信息枢纽署理院长宗福季教授因在工业工程、质量管理和工业大数据等领域取得的杰出成就和对工业工程发展做出的卓越贡献,当选亚太工业工程与管理学会(APIEMS)会士。学会会士是APIEMS授予该领域专家的最高学术荣誉。

亚太工业工程管理学会(Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Society, APIEMS)成立于1998年,为中国大陆、澳大利亚、中国香港、印度尼西亚、日本、马来西亚、菲律宾、韩国、中国台湾和泰国等亚太国家和地区工业工程和管理领域的专业学者提供了交流的平台,是世界知名的国际专业机构和学术团体,也是工业工程和管理领域最有影响力的学术组织之一。

Industrial engineering was sprouted from major engineering disciplines that called for better professional understanding of industrialization. Ever since, our discipline has been the star role player in confronting emerging industries; be it manufacturing, service, high tech products, outer space technology, information technology, industrial policy, ergonomics, and now world’s greatest concern, sustainable development. The Core value of APIEMS is associating and exchanging the better industrial engineering education, researches, and exchange information from different countries and regions.
APIEMS initiated from two conferences held in 1998, China-Japan Joint Conference on industrial engineering and management in Beijing, China, and Korea-Japan Joint Conference on industrial engineering and management in Taejon, Korea, produced some excellent results and the two were merged to form a single conference in the following year 1999, when the 2nd APIEMS conference was held at Kanazawa, Japan. Since then, the APIEMS has rapidly emerged as an important forum for exchange of ideas and information about latest developments in the field of industrial engineering and management society among professionals from Asia-Pacific countries and regions, namely, Australia, The Chinese Mainland , Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, South Korea, Taiwan and Thailand. APIEMS conferences serve not only as a forum for exchanging idea and information but also facilitates collaborations among delegates and participants from different countries, culture and institutions, besides providing the much needed exposure to new research efforts and findings.

宗教授于美国密西根大学获工业工程硕士及博士学位。曾任工业工程与决策分析系系主任,及品质与大数据分析实验室主任。宗教授目前是国际品质科学院(IAQ)院士、美国统计学会(ASA)会士、美国工业工程师学会(IISE)会士、美国品质学会(ASQ)会士、国际统计协会(ISI)当选会员、香港工程师学会(HKIE)会士。另外宗教授是美国品质学会旗舰期刊 Journal of Quality Technology (JQT) 的前主编、 工业工程学会期刊 IISE Transactions 及Technometrics 的副编辑。宗教授在工业大数据及品质控制领域有着广泛而深入的研究,并积极参与有关品质改善和管理的教育及研究工作。宗教授的主要研究方向为工业大数据,当中包括运用统计学习、机器学习、高维资料分析等方法研究涉及传统制造、新型制造、物联网、公共服务、金融等领域的工业大数据;此外,宗教授在品质分析、统计程序控制、监控和诊断领域有卓越成就。宗教授在国外重要学术刊物上发表论文共170余篇,并分别于2004年,2009年和2018年三度获得 IISE Transactions 的最佳论文奖。